Scene III, Israel vs. Palestine
What a mess! This piece contains information that you probably know nothing about.
People-level 4
Power-level 6
''The war'' 7
Conclusion 9
What a mess! To try to explain or understand all these factions, for or against Israel or Palestine. It's not easy.
This one doesn't make it easier. If you are Jew you must watch this video(This RABBI is telling the truth)
Some time ago, I collected a lot of information about what is going on in Gaza.
—Before finishing this piece I've looked a little in my collection, I think it's at least 30 GB all about Israel. I found this, a very good documentary from 2006. As the direction the world is now taking, I think, the older material, the better.
Occupation 101: Voices Of The Silenced Majority
As I watch this and already have written this piece, I find many things in common. One thing I haven't been able to make clear and you can see here, is, what about the children. What is the effect of growing up in fear and humiliation? What is it to have parents that have grown up in fear and humiliation?
When we now see those terrible pictures of Palestinian celebrating, should we judge or should we make our best to understand? Understanding is not the same as agreeing. It's in understanding that there can be a solution found. What do all these children need to be able to heal?
Killing is always wrong, but there is more going. Without healing, there will never be peace.
After watching this documentary, if you want to make this visit short, please do not miss the letter by Albert Pike to understand the real background of it all, and Israeli false flag by Max Igan. There you have a recent, very well made wonderful video, with plenty of important facts.
Where in the world’s history has there been a new country created out of nothing? With this new country, the history has been rewritten. To defend this country, an enormous military power has been built, including atom bombs. As an important part of this defenseforce, there is a very effective propaganda machine. This is today.
The fact that is not talked about is that the Palestinians were robbed of their land. Their way of living were taken away from them. England, that had at the time no rights to that land, gave it to the Rothschild's.
The Rothschild's created a country in the middle of Muslim land.
What about the name Israel? What about IS-RA-EL? We are talking about Gods like Isis. IS - RA - EL What does the name Israel mean?
Was Judaism the first monotheism, the belief in one singular God? They were the chosen people by one of the Gods. It didn't mean that they didn't know about other Gods.
My question is, what level of God are we talking about? The highest source is never busy with revenge and talking.
Then, we can take a look at the Rothschild's and their roots as Khazars. Their religion is Satanism. Satan has many names, Moluck being one of them. This Jewish symbol comes from them.
This is a short version of a documentary, where someone was asking several Rabbis about the star of David. The Star of Moloch EXPOSED (NOT the star of David)
What I want to explain is that we are talking about one of the most evil and powerful families in the world. In the first part I've published here, I showed some of their power.
They are controling the Royals in England and the City of London. They are controling the banking of the Vatican and much much more.
This country is a construction of these evil people. The Israeli people and the whole world are the victims of their power and lies.
My piece about WWIII is about a war, now going, and it's between us and these evil powers.
Israel has told the world many lies. One of them is that this land was about empty, with some goat herders. What about this man, talking about a village where they lived like Europeans? Body Language: The war crimes of 1948 This is like a small glimpse into what was done on a larger scale.
When I was a child, if you heard the word terrorists, it was always mentioned in connection to Israel. Have they developed this method? If you listen to these two men, they were completely ruthless.
I think that they still are. Maybe we have to mainly talk about the leadership, that sometimes are the same men that, as young, committed these war crimes. The reason why we do not know much about it, is that they have become specialist in propaganda.
There have been many agreements made about this land, and Israel has broken every agreement made. They are still taking more and more land in the West bank. There, Big walls have been built by Israel, cutting the Palestinian land in pieces.
Israel Honors Jewish Terrorists Who Attacked US
I remember as a child, at school, it was around 1970, I learned about the land of Kanan and of Palestine. I think that it was called the land of Kanan if the subject was religion and it was called Palestine when it was about geography. I remember so little from my childhood. It's then funny to remember a thing like my conviction when I heard the name Israel. It had to be wrong, because, that was not what I learned at school.
This was 10 years ago. Noam Chomsky - Gaza An Open Air Prison
Here are Israeli soldiers that couldn’t stand it, and openly were telling about what is done in Gaza. There are constant attacks going on, as far as in innocent people’s homes.
Breaking The Silence: Israeli Soldiers Speak Out About The Reality In The Occupied Territories
Yehuda Shaul - Breaking the Silence - Seattle, Nov 14, 2013 There are more on YouTube.
Israel has had several ''wars'' with Gaza. How do you have war with your own prisoners that are without their own army and functioning government? Israel control everything coming into Gaza. They regularly bomb Gaza, and then they block building material to be brought in.
They are now cutting off food supply, water and electricity, just because they can.
These are people that have no rights to a normal life. They are not allowed any kind of pride and hope for their future. This has been going on for a very long time. I wonder if there is anyone there, that can remember when they lived a life of their own.
This is not a Jew -Muslim issue. It's a Jewish, Muslim and Christian story. I wonder if the West has chosen to neglect this. I think I heard a number of 35% of Palestinian are Christians. The heritage of Christianity is also being destroyed.
People that are treated badly want to fight back. PLO and then Hamas have been formed. The question is, how much are they truly there for the people?
As an organization that is fighting something as strong as Israel, they have to play ‘‘the bigger game’’. On the other side, we have, How and why Israel helped create Hamas? You might have missed it, but that CIA created Al Qaida is a fact. Big powers are capable of creating their own opposition.
Who is fighting who?
On the other end, you have the Israeli population living in fear. Early in life, they learn that the only safe place for Jews is in Israel. The rest of the world wants to kill them. DEFAMATION (2009 Documentary) I find this one so interesting because of the students and their fear. On top of that, they are constantly told that they are in danger and in need of protection. One girl got into panicmode when an older man spoke a few words to her.
They've created a very strong military force where men have to serve for 32 months and women for 24 months. At this very moment, this has consequences. The Israeli people know the military, how it function and what it's capable of. They are not easy to fool. There are several videos now to be found, with young men and women, telling that they know that the official story is impossible.
I've heard that the media in Israel is telling them nothing. They do not know what is happening. The amount of respect for the Israeli people can be seen here. "So Israel became, if you will, the the lab for Pfizer" - Benjamin Netanyahu
Israel never wants to let go of the victim narrative. They want to tell that they are the victim, while they have total control over the most surveyed and armed border in the world.
The power they have is hard to imagine. What about the infiltration? Corporate U.S. Senators and U.S.Representatives that are IsraelDual Citizens
What about their atom bombs (proven)? Aren't their strongest enemies too close by for them to use such weapons? The Samson Option - How Israel Blackmails The World With Nukes
You might have seen a couple of clips that I've already shared, how the Jews see themselves as the rulers of this world.
Talmudic Jews: "Non-Jews Are Beasts To Serve Jews As Slaves. Each One Of Us Will Have 2800 Slaves."
You have this situation on a human level. It's so bad. And then there is this other level, where it's like Israel doesn't know another way than constantly break agreements and commit war crimes.
This is the game played on a power-level. Why not look at this letter that I also shared in my last update. It's written 1871. The WWIII is here described as being fought between Muslims and a country that didn't even exist.
It shows how well planned everything has been. With this letter in hand, the stories that we have been told can all be considered being nothing else than fairy tales.
To explain what is written about WWII, you can find that it was Jews that were the first to declare war against Germany, and this in 1933. This boycott had serious effects.
Here we clearly can see that there has for a long time been plans about how to take over the world. If you look at it from their level, the holders of the plan, we all are on a level of ants.
This, the power-level, is the level I like to look at. At this moment, it will take me too much time. This letter is so powerful that your fantasy might be enough to fill in the wholes accurately.
There are so many more aspects to cover, like the work they did to scare Europeans to come to Israel.
The many Russian Jews, for sure Khazarians, that have moved to Israel, have a possible connection with the very cruel Bolsheviks. Lenin's group were 95% Khazarians, killing up to 100 million, mostly Christians.
The subjects possible are many.
Human Rights Watch: Israëlisch leger gebruikte fosfor in Gaza en Libanon
I just saw this in the Dutch press. This is nothing new. I heard about Israel using phosphor bombs during the last big attack. The terrible suffering that it causes was then to be seen.
Hamas fighters appear to paraglide across border in released footage When I saw these paragliders, there was only one word in my head, and it was exercise. I know nothing, but I used to be able to trust those kinds of messages.
Distract the public, justify the war machine - Wag the Dog (1997)
How much of this is true? Are you sure that you know? I haven't got that far yet, but there are plenty of examples to show, about the media creating movie sets.
It doesn't need to be war to create fear. We have Covid behind us. I will show you, in probably my next longer piece, a funeral home full of coffin with comments about the high amounts of deaths. It was an older picture being used from a funeral home that were much cheaper than the rest. There were pictures with hospital beds on the street showing how full a hospital was. No, the picture was from an eruption of a volcano, or maybe it was an earthquake.
I've already seen pictures from this war that someone has proven false.
Yes, there is something happening. It’s not only propaganda. There are messages from within the country self that tells that. The messages also tell that the Israeli people are kept in the dark.
This was in the American Herald Tribune. I have the PDF, but the article is now nowhere to be found.
The tactics by the Israelis, like turning off food, water and electricity. This, together with a military attack, much bigger than in 2015, will turn out to become a genocide of innocent people. It will force the Muslim world to react. Here we have the WWIII in full sight.
Do not forget Pike. He talks about a worldwide division. I can look at what is happening here in Amsterdam. They are going crazy about demonstrations and what flag may be on top of the city hall.
What a better way to divide the whole world. The tension has been built up through the whole time of Israel’s existence. How Israel has constantly said one thing and done something else.
What is more telling than this clip. "Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"
There is a limit to what I can tell about how the Palestinians are treated. I've seen a lot, but it just would become one more story, and everyone can say that it's falls.
I wanted to find the video by Max Igan, that was made in Gaza. His many years of research and him knowing the place, makes him probably one of the best sources you can find. Today, I've instead found his new video that has to be seen by everyone. Israeli False Flag = Genocide Gaza Do not miss the little guy at the end.
Conclusion: There is a genocide in progress and the West is cheering it on.
These are war-specialists talking The Nazi's of Israel, Palestine and US will be exposed for the world to see.
Strangely, I start to feel good about this war. Let me explain why.
In my work, there is a fact. You can't fix anything if you aren't aware of it. The confrontation with an issue has first to happen before there is a solution.
Compared with earlier attacks, you now hear different voices. Israel doesn't dominate the media this time. This does go with the plan that Pike wrote about. This could then lead to his WWIII.
There is another possibility, that real facts could get to the surface, and that this situation once and for all could be solved.
Yes, people are suffering, but this is a suffering that has already been going on much too long. Is there another way to get a stop to this?
Highlights Palestine - Israel - War! A reading with Crystal Ball and Tarot
I find this outcome something to think about. Does Israel as a state and its military have to fall? Israelis without their country might find out that the world is not there to kill them. That is, if they do not want to kill and enslave us goyims.
They might go back to living in peace with their neighbours.
Do not miss the information about this war in my last two Updates. There is probably plenty of new material now made, and for me to find. I will go on with Updates as it is an ongoing operation.
Kram Susanne